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Types Of Custody: What Is Joint Custody?
Sometimes referred to as shared custody, the courts award parental rights and responsibilities to both parents. This means they share the duties of raising their…Goldberg Jones03/06/25What’s In A Washington State Parenting Plan?
What does a parenting plan include? After a divorce, this document lays out all of the custody, residential time, and visitation regarding your children.…Goldberg Jones12/17/24Managing Your Holiday Custody Schedule
There are many things divorced parents can do to successfully navigate their holiday custody schedule—and not so successfully.…Goldberg Jones12/04/24Passports, Custody, and International Travel
Your ex planning to take the kids out of the country can be a scary proposition. Knowing your rights and legal options will help put…Goldberg Jones11/14/24Custody Battles: “I Feel Like I’m Being Set Up”
“I feel like I’m being set up. My wife’s saying she’s going to take my boys and move them to California. Can she actually do…Goldberg Jones11/06/24Can Your Ex Keep Your Child From Playing Sports?
Sports are important to a lot of kids, but can your ex step in and stop your child from playing sports or participating in other…Goldberg Jones10/29/24Child Custody Hearings: What To Expect
Child custody hearings are hugely important, but what should you expect? What questions will you be asked? How do you need to prepare?…Goldberg Jones05/02/24Keeping Custody Exchanges Civil
If you have kids, custody exchanges after divorce are going to be a fact of life. They’re not always easy, but here are some ways…Goldberg Jones02/19/24Dos & Don’ts To Protect Custody and Visitation
The most harrowing part of many divorces is the fight for child custody and visitation. Here are some dos and don’ts to strengthen your case.…Goldberg Jones01/22/24Can A Non-Biological Father Get Custody?
Child custody disputes can be heated, contentious affairs. But what if you’re not a biological parent? Do you even have a chance to win guardianship?…Goldberg Jones12/13/23Surviving Thanksgiving for Divorced Dads
Thanksgiving and other holidays can be tough times for newly divorced dads. Here are some tips and strategies to get through a difficult stretch.…Goldberg Jones11/14/23Do Grandparents Have Custody or Visitation Rights in Washington?
Many states have provisions to secure visitation rights for grandparents, Washington, however, does not.…Goldberg Jones10/09/23Text Messages As Evidence in Divorce
“My ex is abusive to my daughter. She keeps sending text messages that say that she can’t handle my daughter, that she doesn’t want her,…Goldberg Jones09/25/23Relocation: Can Your Ex Move Out of State With Your Child?
My ex-wife wants to move to another state for work, but I don’t want them to. How can I stop this?…Goldberg Jones09/18/23Co-Parenting Strategies For Divorced Parents
You may never want to see your ex again after the divorce, but when there are kids, co-parenting is a way of life. Here’s how…Goldberg Jones08/29/23Preparing for a Divorce And Child Custody Consultation
The initial consultation is an opportunity to get your questions answered and help you better understand how your circumstances affect the divorce process.…Goldberg Jones07/17/23My Son Wants To Move In With Me, Can He?
My teenage son doesn’t want to live with his mom anymore, can he move in with me? Does the court take his desires into account?…Goldberg Jones06/19/23Right Of First Refusal In Divorce And Custody
When it comes to child custody, what is a right of first refusal, and how does it impact how much time you spend with your…Goldberg Jones05/02/23What are the Odds of Getting Primary Custody?
The law is neutral as written, but the common perception is that they favor mothers in custody cases. So what are a father’s odds of…Goldberg Jones04/17/23What Are My Custody Rights If I Was In Prison?
Child custody cases can be complicated. Courts consider many factors when making this decision. But what are your custody rights if you have been in…Goldberg Jones04/03/23How Does Legal Marijuana Affect Child Custody?
Though marijuana use in Washington State is now legal, it carries a stigma, and, like it or not, can still impact child custody cases. Here’s…Goldberg Jones03/27/23Will Courts Split Custody and Separate Siblings?
Divorce throws a child’s world into upheaval, but what about cases of split custody? Will the court really separate siblings?…Goldberg Jones10/19/22Washington State Guardian Ad Litem: What To Know
In divorce and custody suits, a guardian ad litem may come in to look after the best interest of any children involved. Here’s what you…Goldberg Jones06/03/22Why Having a Father is Important
We all know that parents have a huge impact on a child’s life, but why is it important for kids to have fathers present and…Goldberg Jones09/19/21Pending Criminal Charges And Child Custody
Criminal charges often have a major impact on custody cases. The legal mire of new Seattle Seahawk Quinton Dunbar may show us how.…Goldberg Jones05/18/20Stepfathers’ Rights in Seattle [Infographic]
Stepfathers often spend decades providing love, support, and guidance to children. In divorce, it feels like your work, dedication, and sacrifice disappear.…Goldberg Jones12/11/195 Signs of Parental Alienation
What are some of the signs of paretnal alienation? We look at the top 5.…Goldberg Jones10/30/12