People often do things that damage their own divorce cases. Common issues include: Filing before they’re ready. Agreeing to unfavorable terms. Taking bad advice. Moving out without considering the ramifications, and more.
Does Washington State Have Common-Law Marriage?
The short answer is no, Washington doesn’t allow common-law marriage. As usual, however, the real answer is more complicated.
Life Insurance And Divorce: What To Know
Life insurance policies can be one of the more delicate knots to untie in divorce and oftentimes get overlooked when ending a marriage.
What if My Ex Refuses to Cooperate in Divorce?
“My ex filed for divorce in January. I have requested mediation I don’t know how many times, and she won’t answer, won’t step up to the table, won’t do anything. And this is still dragging on. Is there any way to get her to finalize this, or go to mediation, or just speed things up?”
Is Washington A No-Fault Divorce State?
It’s the stuff movie melodrama: trapped in a loveless marriage, your spouse doesn’t want to divorce. But don’t worry Washington is a no-fault divorce state.
When Is The Best Time To Divorce?
When it comes to ending a marriage, timing is everything. Here’s what to consider when determining the best time to divorce.
When To Hire A Divorce Lawyer
Deciding to end a marriage is a huge choice, and knowing whether or not to hire a divorce lawyer can have a massive impact on the outcome.
How To Ask For Divorce
You’ve tried everything you can to fix your broken marriage, but nothing works. It’s time. But there’s one looming question: how do I ask for divorce?
Scary Divorce Fact Or Urban Legend?
There’s a lot of information floating around, but how can you differentiate between an urban legend and a scary divorce fact?
Can You Get An Annulment In Washington?
So you got drunk in Vegas and woke up married, what do you do? Is annulment an option? If so, how do you proceed with the process?
Breaking Down Divorce Rates By Generation
Different generations have different traits. Obviously. But how each age group views marriage and divorce tells us a lot about them.
False Abuse Allegations And Divorce
Mudslinging and conflict are common occurrences in divorce, but when abuse allegations come into play, that changes things dramatically.
Divorce Decrees: What You Need To Know
On a practical level, a divorce decree grants the dissolution of marriage and lays out the basic information regarding the separation.
How Are Protection Orders Used in Divorce?
In Washington, protection orders serve to guard against abuse, stalking, and harassment. Here’s what you need to know about them.
The Best Ways To Celebrate Divorce
Most of us think ending a marriage is a sad, somber event. It often is, but not always. Here are some fun, festive ways people choose to celebrate divorce.
How to Protect A Business in Divorce?
Ending a marriage is delicate and complex, and a business only complicates matters. Here’s how to protect your business in divorce.
How To File For Divorce in Washington State
The process of divorce sounds complex and scary, but it doesn’t have to be. Here’s how to file for divorce in Washington state.
Divorce in Washington: How Long Does It Take?
The minimum amount of time a divorce takes is 90 days, but many factors can make it take much longer.
Signs They May Be Hiding Assets During Divorce
Your ex may be tempted to hide assets during the divorce. Here are some signs this may be going on. These don’t automatically mean that’s the case, but if you see one or more of these, it might be worth closer examination.
Divorce Mediation, How Does It Work?
Ending a marriage usually evokes images of court, but there are other options. Divorce mediation is a common, effective option.
How To Split Debt In Divorce
The division of property plays a big role when it comes to ending a marriage, but it’s also important to know how courts treat shared debt in divorce.
Divorce After A Brief Marriage
As a rule, the longer the marriage, the more complex the divorce. The other side of that coin is in shorter marriages, divorce can be relatively simple.
The Most Common Reasons for Divorce
While every couple has their own unique reasons to break up, themes do emerge and there are many common reasons for divorce.
Divorce Strategies To Know Before Filing
Ending a marriage can be a long, tricky process. Here are some divorce strategies to prepare and make the road as smooth as possible.
How Major Purchases Can Hurt Your Divorce
If you’re going through a divorce, you may want to hold off making major purchases until the process is over. Here’s why.
Is Inheritance Considered Separate Property in Divorce?
If you don’t shield your inheritance properly, you stand to lose a substantial amount when it comes to divorce and the division of property.
How Do You Get Divorced If You Can’t Find Your Spouse?
What options do you have if you want to divorce but you can’t find your spouse and don’t know where they live?
How Does Moving Out Affect Divorce?
Moving out of a shared home can have a negative impact on your divorce in a number of ways. It’s important to know the impact this decision can have.
What makes a good divorce lawyer?
What makes a good lawyer? What personality traits make up a good divorce attorney? We take a look at the good and the bad.
Does Divorce Hurt Your Credit? Rebuilding Finances After Divorce
Keeping track of your money is important all the time, but taking steps to rebuild finances after divorce is especially vital moving forward.
Pro Se: Can You Represent Yourself In Divorce?
You can choose to represent yourself in divorce proceedings, but is that the smart choice? Here are some benefits and drawbacks of pro se divorce.
What to Do When Your Ex Won’t Follow Court Orders
Just because you have a divorce agreement down on paper, that doesn’t mean everyone will automatically play by the rules.
What Is Divorce Arbitration? Is it The Right Choice?
In divorce, arbitration offers an alternative to going to court, presenting arguments, and having a judge rule. But is it the right choice?
The Awkward Conversation of a Prenup
Starting the conversation about a prenuptial agreement can be awkward, but it’s an important one to have.
Can You Be Kicked Out Of Your House During Divorce?
“I am so over my husband right now. Next time he’s on the road for work, can I move out all his stuff and change the locks? I’m tired of the whole thing.”
Dividing Retirement Benefits in Divorce: Common Financial Mistakes
Divorce has drastic financial implications no matter your age, but couples approaching retirement face a number of unique potential pitfalls.
Text Messages As Evidence in Divorce
“My ex is abusive to my daughter. She keeps sending text messages that say that she can’t handle my daughter, that she doesn’t want her, and that she is going to give her up to the state.”
How Spousal Support Works In Washington
Spousal support is often one of the biggest expenses encountered after divorce, and it’s important to understand how it works.
Divorce Jurisdiction: Where You File Matters
Divorce is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make. And as you’ll learn, jurisdiction has a major impact on your case.
Preparing for a Divorce And Child Custody Consultation
The initial consultation is an opportunity to get your questions answered and help you better understand how your circumstances affect the divorce process.
How Divorce Affects Health Insurance
Divorce requires the separation of more than just assets and debts. It also requires dealing with often overlooked items, like health insurance.
Avoid Becoming a Deadbeat Dad
There’s a certain image of a deadbeat dad, one who doesn’t pay child support. However, this often to do with ability to pay rather than the desire to.
Personal Injury Settlements In Divorce
Where money comes from in a marriage has a lot to do with who gets it in a divorce. How does this impact a personal injury settlement?
How Does The Division of Property Work in Washington?
There are 2 types of property division. There is community property, which means the state views all property and debts acquired during a marriage as belonging equally to both spouses. There is also separate property, meaning it belongs to one spouse or the other.
How Education Affects Divorce Rates
Education is a big part of most people’s lives. And at least one person believes education impacts divorce and divorce rates.
Contested Vs. Uncontested Divorce
What are the primary differences between a contested and an uncontested divorce and which category does your case fit into?
Divorce Or Bankruptcy: What To File First
Divorce or bankruptcy, which should you file first? Every situation is different, and there are many variables, but here’s what to consider.
You’ve Been Served Divorce Papers, Now What?
What happens when your spouse serves you with divorce papers? It comes with a lot of questions. How do you respond? What do you do next?
Is There A Benefit To Filing for Divorce First?
People are quick to offer advice about divorce, and one frequently shared tidbit is that you need to file for divorce first. But do you really?
Sweat Equity In Divorce Settlements
Sweat equity can increase the value of shared assets, which often impacts divorce settlements.
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