Like trying to alter most court-issued decrees, child support modification in Washington isn’t particularly easy, but it is possible.
Ways People Damage Their Own Divorce Cases
People often do things that damage their own divorce cases. Common issues include: Filing before they’re ready. Agreeing to unfavorable terms. Taking bad advice. Moving out without considering the ramifications, and more.
Does Washington State Have Common-Law Marriage?
The short answer is no, Washington doesn’t allow common-law marriage. As usual, however, the real answer is more complicated.
What if My Ex Refuses to Cooperate in Divorce?
“My ex filed for divorce in January. I have requested mediation I don’t know how many times, and she won’t answer, won’t step up to the table, won’t do anything. And this is still dragging on. Is there any way to get her to finalize this, or go to mediation, or just speed things up?”
Is Washington A No-Fault Divorce State?
It’s the stuff movie melodrama: trapped in a loveless marriage, your spouse doesn’t want to divorce. But don’t worry Washington is a no-fault divorce state.
When Is The Best Time To Divorce?
When it comes to ending a marriage, timing is everything. Here’s what to consider when determining the best time to divorce.
What’s In A Washington State Parenting Plan?
What does a parenting plan include? After a divorce, this document lays out all of the custody, residential time, and visitation regarding your children.
Passports, Custody, and International Travel
Your ex planning to take the kids out of the country can be a scary proposition. Knowing your rights and legal options will help put your mind at ease.
Can Your Ex Keep Your Child From Playing Sports?
Sports are important to a lot of kids, but can your ex step in and stop your child from playing sports or participating in other activities?
How To Ask For Divorce
You’ve tried everything you can to fix your broken marriage, but nothing works. It’s time. But there’s one looming question: how do I ask for divorce?
Ex Keeps Dodging Our Meetings To Alter Child Support
Modifying a child support order is tough enough in the best cases, but what if your ex keeps dodging scheduled meetings?
How Are Protection Orders Used in Divorce?
In Washington, protection orders serve to guard against abuse, stalking, and harassment. Here’s what you need to know about them.
The Best Ways To Celebrate Divorce
Most of us think ending a marriage is a sad, somber event. It often is, but not always. Here are some fun, festive ways people choose to celebrate divorce.
What Is The Washington Division Of Child Support?
The Washington Division of Child Support is key to enforcing support orders. Here’s how it works.
Divorce in Washington: How Long Does It Take?
The minimum amount of time a divorce takes is 90 days, but many factors can make it take much longer.
Child Custody Hearings: What To Expect
Child custody hearings are hugely important, but what should you expect? What questions will you be asked? How do you need to prepare?
How To Split Debt In Divorce
The division of property plays a big role when it comes to ending a marriage, but it’s also important to know how courts treat shared debt in divorce.
How Is Child Support Calculated in Washington?
The Washington State Support Schedule provides the standard basis for child support calculation. The court uses this formula to define its terms, lay out the specifics, and calculate the final amount.
Is Inheritance Considered Separate Property in Divorce?
If you don’t shield your inheritance properly, you stand to lose a substantial amount when it comes to divorce and the division of property.
Keeping Custody Exchanges Civil
If you have kids, custody exchanges after divorce are going to be a fact of life. They’re not always easy, but here are some ways to keep things civil.
How Does Moving Out Affect Divorce?
Moving out of a shared home can have a negative impact on your divorce in a number of ways. It’s important to know the impact this decision can have.
Dos & Don’ts To Protect Custody and Visitation
The most harrowing part of many divorces is the fight for child custody and visitation. Here are some dos and don’ts to strengthen your case.
Does Divorce Hurt Your Credit? Rebuilding Finances After Divorce
Keeping track of your money is important all the time, but taking steps to rebuild finances after divorce is especially vital moving forward.
Pro Se: Can You Represent Yourself In Divorce?
You can choose to represent yourself in divorce proceedings, but is that the smart choice? Here are some benefits and drawbacks of pro se divorce.
What to Do When Your Ex Won’t Follow Court Orders
Just because you have a divorce agreement down on paper, that doesn’t mean everyone will automatically play by the rules.
The Awkward Conversation of a Prenup
Starting the conversation about a prenuptial agreement can be awkward, but it’s an important one to have.
Can You Be Kicked Out Of Your House During Divorce?
“I am so over my husband right now. Next time he’s on the road for work, can I move out all his stuff and change the locks? I’m tired of the whole thing.”
Co-Parenting Strategies For Divorced Parents
You may never want to see your ex again after the divorce, but when there are kids, co-parenting is a way of life. Here’s how to survive.
Can Child Support Payments Continue Past 18?
In general, child support ends when the child in question turns 18 or finishes high school. That’s not always the case, however, and here are three cases where child support past 18 continues.
Divorce Jurisdiction: Where You File Matters
Divorce is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make. And as you’ll learn, jurisdiction has a major impact on your case.
Preparing for a Divorce And Child Custody Consultation
The initial consultation is an opportunity to get your questions answered and help you better understand how your circumstances affect the divorce process.
My Son Wants To Move In With Me, Can He?
My teenage son doesn’t want to live with his mom anymore, can he move in with me? Does the court take his desires into account?
How Education Affects Divorce Rates
Education is a big part of most people’s lives. And at least one person believes education impacts divorce and divorce rates.
Right Of First Refusal In Divorce And Custody
When it comes to child custody, what is a right of first refusal, and how does it impact how much time you spend with your kids?
How Does Legal Marijuana Affect Child Custody?
Though marijuana use in Washington State is now legal, it carries a stigma, and, like it or not, can still impact child custody cases. Here’s how.
Sweat Equity In Divorce Settlements
Sweat equity can increase the value of shared assets, which often impacts divorce settlements.
How To Dress For Court
Right or wrong, many people look at you and immediately judge your appearance, which is why how you dress for court is so important to your case.
Are Divorce Records Public In Washington State?
Are divorce records public? How do you acquire them? And how easy is the process? We answer these questions and others below.
Who Pays Support If Your Wife Has Another Man’s Baby?
Child support is a big issue in divorces, but what if your ex has another man’s baby? Who’s responsible for the kid then?
Will Courts Split Custody and Separate Siblings?
Divorce throws a child’s world into upheaval, but what about cases of split custody? Will the court really separate siblings?
How Discovery Works In Divorce Cases
A great deal of information changes hands during the divorce process. Discovery is the tool through which this happens. Here’s how it works.
What Jobs Have The Highest Divorce Rates?
Jobs and employment status often play a big part in divorce. But what jobs have the highest divorce rates? And which jobs have the lowest divorce rates?
Does Washington State Have Pet Custody Laws?
Many of us consider pets part of the family, but how does the law view them in divorce?
Cost of Divorce In Washington State
Divorce is expensive, that’s not a surprise, but how much should you expect to pay?
How COVID-19 Affects Divorce, Child Custody, And Support Payments?
In the last few weeks there have already been significant changes that affect the Divorce and Family Law process. With temporary court closures, it means our efforts now focus on alternative methods of dispute resolution such as Mediation, or binding Arbitration.
Why Having a Father is Important
We all know that parents have a huge impact on a child’s life, but why is it important for kids to have fathers present and accounted for?This isn’t to say a child is raised without a father can’t be happy and successful, it’s about increasing the odds.
Dating After Divorce
In part two of “dating after divorce,” Torr Lindberg shares some tactics to help you comfortably segue back into the dating scene.
Digital Snooping in Divorce
Snooping tools have certainly changed. Such digital snooping continues to have an ever-growing impact on divorce and the aftermath.