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  1. Featured image for “Can A Non-Biological Father Get Custody?”

    Can A Non-Biological Father Get Custody?

    Child custody disputes can be heated, contentious affairs. But what if you’re not a biological parent? Do you even have a chance to win guardianship?…
    Goldberg Jones
  2. Featured image for “Who Pays Support If Your Wife Has Another Man’s Baby?”

    Who Pays Support If Your Wife Has Another Man’s Baby?

    Child support is a big issue in divorces, but what if your ex has another man’s baby? Who’s responsible for the kid then?…
    Goldberg Jones
  3. Featured image for “Why Having a Father is Important”

    Why Having a Father is Important

    We all know that parents have a huge impact on a child’s life, but why is it important for kids to have fathers present and…
    Goldberg Jones