Everyone has heard some version of this urban legend. A wild night in Vegas ends in a marriage officiated by an Elvis impersonator. The following day, when clarity, sobriety, and regret set in, the first task of the newlyweds is to usually seek out an annulment. While getting drunkenly hitched on the Strip is an extreme example, there are several situations where one might need to dissolve a marriage quickly.
Annulments can be confusing and needing one can be stressful. You likely have questions that need to be answered and the starting point can be unclear. Fortunately, we can help.
What Is An Annulment?
To start, while the word annulment is commonly used, the legal term in Washington is a declaration of invalidity. As the name implies, this petition declares a marriage.
Annulment is usually associated with the Catholic church. Traditional Catholicism didn’t allow divorce, but if you annulled a marriage, it was as if it never happened.
The Difference Between A Divorce and A Declaration of Invalidity
A few key differences exist between a divorce and a declaration of invalidity.
With a divorce, both parties dissolve a valid marriage through legal legal channels.
A declaration of invalidity asserts that the marriage was never valid in the first place. From that point forward it is as if it never existed. On a technical level, you were never married.
Either spouse can petition for a declaration of invalidity, though they must prove why the union should be voided. This burden falls on the person seeking the annulment.
Related Reading: Moving Out: What You Need To Know Before You Go
How to File for Declaration of Invalidity?
In Washington, you must file a Petition for Declaration Concerning Validity in the superior court of the county where one spouse resides. It doesn’t have to be yours, but one of you must live there.
After filing the petition, you must serve the opposing party. The superior court clerk’s office, where the petition was filed, can explain the different options to serve a spouse, such as what to do if your spouse lives out of the state or can’t be located.
Once you do all of this, there will be a hearing. Both parties then state their cases about why the marriage is or isn’t legitimate.
Related Reading: A Guide to File for Divorce in Washington
Do You Qualify for A Declaration of Invalidity?
Annulment is rare compared to divorce, but it still happens occasionally. In Washington, there must be specific cause to petition for a marriage to be declared invalid under RCW 26.09.040.
The court requires specific examples of why the marriage is illegitimate. Reasons include but are not limited to:
- One or both parties were underage and lacked parental or court approval.
- One party was already married.
- One or both parties lacked the capacity to consent because of mental incapacity.
- One or both parties lacked the ability to consent due to the influence of alcohol or other incapacitating substances.
- Either one or both parties were forced into the marriage under duress.
- Either one or both parties were induced to enter the marriage by fraud.
- The parties have not ratified their marriage by voluntarily cohabitating.
- The spouses are close blood relatives.
It’s also important to note that for the state to consider a marriage invalid because of fraud, the fraud must directly relate to the marriage. For example, one party hid a venereal disease or knowingly concealed a pregnancy.
If you don’t meet one of these requirements, you will likely have to follow a traditional path and divorce.
Related Reading: Divorce After a Brief Marriage
Do You Divide Property In A Declaration of Invalidity?
Like a divorce, once the marriage is declared invalid, you have other issues to resolve.
There are assets and debts to divide, custody to determine, and more. Child support, spousal maintenance, restraining orders, and attorney fees; you have all the usual matters to deal with.
In reality, annulment usually only applies in shorter marriages, so issues like these don’t often come into play. If you’ve been married for 50 years, bought a house, raised a couple of kids to adulthood, and all the rest, annulment likely isn’t an option.
If you are considering getting an annulment and are unsure if your marriage qualifies or have questions regarding a declaration of invalidity, it’s in your best interest to consult an attorney. A lawyer specializing in divorce will most likely be the best resource for information regarding your situation.
Related Reading: How the Division of Property Works in Washington
Question From The Radio
One of our founding partners, Rick Jones, has a regular guest spot on 102.5 KZOK. On the air, he takes family law questions from listeners, including this one related to the topic of annulment.
Caller: So, I got married in Vegas a few weeks ago. Cliché, I know. The night is a bit hard, but how do I find out if I’m, like, legally married or if it was, like, a stunt?
Rick: Oh. Well, did you get, did you get any sort of marriage license? Did you sign anything there at the end of the process?
Caller: I’m not gonna lie. I remember signing something, but like I said, it was more drinks than I have ever had.
Rick: Wow. Sure, sure. And how long ago did you say this was?
Caller: A few weeks ago.
Rick: Okay. Do you guys live together?
Caller: No.
Rick: Okay. What I can’t tell you is whether or not you actually got legally married.
What I can tell you, though, is if you did get married, there’s certainly a way to back out. The downside is you’re going to have to jump through some hoops, and it’s probably going to cost you a few bucks. But ultimately, what you can do is rather than go through a divorce, you can basically seek for the marriage to be declared invalid.
So, in other words, really just sort of take it out saying the marriage was really never valid to begin with. And really what you need to show is things like, well, it was only two weeks ago. There’s a reason why it was hazy. Oh, by the way, we then haven’t got to act as if we’re married either.
But you do need to go through the process. First, check whether or not there was a marriage license. And maybe you call her to see what she’s got. And, if there is, then, you know, you do need to go through the court and file a motion to have it be declared invalid.
Caller: Awesome. (background laughter)
Sarah: So, so there is no, like, magical database that Mark can go to that shows your marital status or like, you know, in, in Las Vegas or Nevada. There’s no way of him, like, looking to see. Yeah, I see that’s the problem. Especially when it’s, when it’s a Vegas, you know, Vegas wedding, Reno wedding, that type of thing.
I actually just don’t know how you would reach out to the state of Nevada, to find that out. There certainly is a way in the state of Washington. The Department of Vital Statistics obviously has to keep records like that. So there certainly is a process, that he could go through.
Two weeks in, I don’t know if they’ve logged it. That would be the concern.
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