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  1. Featured image for “Surviving Thanksgiving for Divorced Dads”

    Surviving Thanksgiving for Divorced Dads

    Thanksgiving and other holidays can be tough times for newly divorced dads. Here are some tips and strategies to get through a difficult stretch.…
    Goldberg Jones
  2. Featured image for “What Is Divorce Arbitration? Is it The Right Choice?”

    What Is Divorce Arbitration? Is it The Right Choice?

    In divorce, arbitration offers an alternative to going to court, presenting arguments, and having a judge rule. But is it the right choice?…
    Goldberg Jones
  3. Featured image for “The Awkward Conversation of a Prenup”

    The Awkward Conversation of a Prenup

    Starting the conversation about a prenuptial agreement can be awkward, but it’s an important one to have.…
    Goldberg Jones
  4. Featured image for “Can You Be Kicked Out Of Your House During Divorce?”

    Can You Be Kicked Out Of Your House During Divorce?

    “I am so over my husband right now. Next time he’s on the road for work, can I move out all his stuff and change…
    Goldberg Jones
  5. Featured image for “Do Grandparents Have Custody or Visitation Rights in Washington?”

    Do Grandparents Have Custody or Visitation Rights in Washington?

    Many states have provisions to secure visitation rights for grandparents, Washington, however, does not.…
    Goldberg Jones
  6. Featured image for “Dividing Retirement Benefits in Divorce: Common Financial Mistakes”

    Dividing Retirement Benefits in Divorce: Common Financial Mistakes

    Divorce has drastic financial implications no matter your age, but couples approaching retirement face a number of unique potential pitfalls.…
    Goldberg Jones
  7. Featured image for “Text Messages As Evidence in Divorce”

    Text Messages As Evidence in Divorce

    “My ex is abusive to my daughter. She keeps sending text messages that say that she can’t handle my daughter, that she doesn’t want her,…
    Goldberg Jones
  8. Featured image for “Relocation: Can Your Ex Move Out of State With Your Child?”

    Relocation: Can Your Ex Move Out of State With Your Child?

    My ex-wife wants to move to another state for work, but I don’t want them to. How can I stop this?…
    Goldberg Jones
  9. Featured image for “Co-Parenting Strategies For Divorced Parents”

    Co-Parenting Strategies For Divorced Parents

    You may never want to see your ex again after the divorce, but when there are kids, co-parenting is a way of life. Here’s how…
    Goldberg Jones
  10. Featured image for “How Fantasy Sports Can Help Divorced Dads”

    How Fantasy Sports Can Help Divorced Dads

    From football, basketball, and baseball, to rugby, cricket, and NASCAR, fantasy sports are everywhere. But how can they be useful to divorced dads?…
    Goldberg Jones
  11. Featured image for “Back to School Tips For Divorced Dads”

    Back to School Tips For Divorced Dads

    Going back to school can be a hectic, stressful time for kids. But divorced dads feel it, too. Here are some useful hints to help…
    Goldberg Jones
  12. Featured image for “Can Child Support Payments Continue Past 18?”

    Can Child Support Payments Continue Past 18?

    In general, child support ends when the child in question turns 18 or finishes high school. That’s not always the case, however, and here are…
    Goldberg Jones
  13. Featured image for “Verifying Post-Secondary Support Payments”

    Verifying Post-Secondary Support Payments

    It’s important to make sure post-secondary payments are going to the right place. Here’s how.…
    Goldberg Jones
  14. Featured image for “How Spousal Support Works In Washington”

    How Spousal Support Works In Washington

    Spousal support is often one of the biggest expenses encountered after divorce, and it’s important to understand how it works.…
    Goldberg Jones
  15. Featured image for “Divorce Jurisdiction: Where You File Matters”

    Divorce Jurisdiction: Where You File Matters

    Divorce is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make. And as you’ll learn, jurisdiction has a major impact on your case.…
    Goldberg Jones
  16. Featured image for “Preparing for a Divorce And Child Custody Consultation”

    Preparing for a Divorce And Child Custody Consultation

    The initial consultation is an opportunity to get your questions answered and help you better understand how your circumstances affect the divorce process.…
    Goldberg Jones
  17. Featured image for “How Divorce Affects Health Insurance”

    How Divorce Affects Health Insurance

    Divorce requires the separation of more than just assets and debts. It also requires dealing with often overlooked items, like health insurance.…
    Goldberg Jones
  18. Featured image for “Avoid Becoming a Deadbeat Dad”

    Avoid Becoming a Deadbeat Dad

    There’s a certain image of a deadbeat dad, one who doesn’t pay child support. However, this often to do with ability to pay rather than…
    Goldberg Jones
  19. Featured image for “4 Ways To Celebrate Men’s Health Month”

    4 Ways To Celebrate Men’s Health Month

    Did you know June is Men’s Health Month? Here are some ways to get in the spirit, celebrate, improve your health, and prevent issues down…
    Goldberg Jones
  20. Featured image for “My Son Wants To Move In With Me, Can He?”

    My Son Wants To Move In With Me, Can He?

    My teenage son doesn’t want to live with his mom anymore, can he move in with me? Does the court take his desires into account?…
    Goldberg Jones
  21. Featured image for “10 Great Movie Dads”

    10 Great Movie Dads

    One of our favorite ways to mark Father’s Day is to watch movies with the old man. Here are some great movie dads to watch…
    Goldberg Jones
  22. Featured image for “Personal Injury Settlements In Divorce”

    Personal Injury Settlements In Divorce

    Where money comes from in a marriage has a lot to do with who gets it in a divorce. How does this impact a personal…
    Goldberg Jones
  23. Featured image for “How Does The Division of Property Work in Washington?”

    How Does The Division of Property Work in Washington?

    There are 2 types of property division. There is community property, which means the state views all property and debts acquired during a marriage as…
    Goldberg Jones
  24. Featured image for “How Education Affects Divorce Rates”

    How Education Affects Divorce Rates

    Education is a big part of most people’s lives. And at least one person believes education impacts divorce and divorce rates.…
    Goldberg Jones
  25. Featured image for “Contested Vs. Uncontested Divorce”

    Contested Vs. Uncontested Divorce

    What are the primary differences between a contested and an uncontested divorce and which category does your case fit into?…
    Goldberg Jones
  26. Featured image for “Divorce Or Bankruptcy: What To File First”

    Divorce Or Bankruptcy: What To File First

    Divorce or bankruptcy, which should you file first? Every situation is different, and there are many variables, but here’s what to consider.…
    Goldberg Jones
  27. Featured image for “Right Of First Refusal In Divorce And Custody”

    Right Of First Refusal In Divorce And Custody

    When it comes to child custody, what is a right of first refusal, and how does it impact how much time you spend with your…
    Goldberg Jones
  28. Featured image for “You’ve Been Served Divorce Papers, Now What?”

    You’ve Been Served Divorce Papers, Now What?

    What happens when your spouse serves you with divorce papers? It comes with a lot of questions. How do you respond? What do you do…
    Goldberg Jones
  29. Featured image for “What are the Odds of Getting Primary Custody?”

    What are the Odds of Getting Primary Custody?

    The law is neutral as written, but the common perception is that they favor mothers in custody cases. So what are a father’s odds of…
    Goldberg Jones
  30. Featured image for “Is There A Benefit To Filing for Divorce First?”

    Is There A Benefit To Filing for Divorce First?

    People are quick to offer advice about divorce, and one frequently shared tidbit is that you need to file for divorce first. But do you…
    Goldberg Jones
  31. Featured image for “What Are My Custody Rights If I Was In Prison?”

    What Are My Custody Rights If I Was In Prison?

    Child custody cases can be complicated. Courts consider many factors when making this decision. But what are your custody rights if you have been in…
    Goldberg Jones
  32. Featured image for “How Does Legal Marijuana Affect Child Custody?”

    How Does Legal Marijuana Affect Child Custody?

    Though marijuana use in Washington State is now legal, it carries a stigma, and, like it or not, can still impact child custody cases. Here’s…
    Goldberg Jones
  33. Featured image for “Child Support Spending Accountability”

    Child Support Spending Accountability

    Can you get an itemized breakdown of what your child support payments actually cover every month? How do you go about ensuring child support accountability?…
    Goldberg Jones
  34. Featured image for “Sweat Equity In Divorce Settlements”

    Sweat Equity In Divorce Settlements

    Sweat equity can increase the value of shared assets, which often impacts divorce settlements.…
    Goldberg Jones
  35. Featured image for “How To Dress For Court”

    How To Dress For Court

    Right or wrong, many people look at you and immediately judge your appearance, which is why how you dress for court is so important to…
    Goldberg Jones
  36. Featured image for “Should You Sign A Joinder In Divorce?”

    Should You Sign A Joinder In Divorce?

    In a divorce, the two parties are the petitioner and the respondent. If the two sides agree to the terms, the respondent can sign a…
    Goldberg Jones
  37. Featured image for “How Legal Separation Differs From Divorce”

    How Legal Separation Differs From Divorce

    Divorce isn’t the only way to end a marriage. In certain cases, legal separation is an option. Here’s what to know about the differences and…
    Goldberg Jones
  38. Featured image for “Dividing A House In Divorce”

    Dividing A House In Divorce

    How do you divvy up the house during a divorce? We look at the steps for valuing your home and how courts may split the…
    Goldberg Jones
  39. Featured image for “Are Divorce Records Public In Washington State?”

    Are Divorce Records Public In Washington State?

    Are divorce records public? How do you acquire them? And how easy is the process? We answer these questions and others below.…
    Goldberg Jones
  40. Featured image for “Who Pays Support If Your Wife Has Another Man’s Baby?”

    Who Pays Support If Your Wife Has Another Man’s Baby?

    Child support is a big issue in divorces, but what if your ex has another man’s baby? Who’s responsible for the kid then?…
    Goldberg Jones
  41. Featured image for “How to Deal With Your Ex at Special Events”

    How to Deal With Your Ex at Special Events

    If you and your ex have kids, you’re going to run into them at games, plays, and other events. It’s important to keep yourself in…
    Goldberg Jones
  42. Featured image for “Will Courts Split Custody and Separate Siblings?”

    Will Courts Split Custody and Separate Siblings?

    Divorce throws a child’s world into upheaval, but what about cases of split custody? Will the court really separate siblings?…
    Goldberg Jones
  43. Featured image for “How Discovery Works In Divorce Cases”

    How Discovery Works In Divorce Cases

    A great deal of information changes hands during the divorce process. Discovery is the tool through which this happens. Here’s how it works.…
    Goldberg Jones
  44. Featured image for “What Jobs Have The Highest Divorce Rates?”

    What Jobs Have The Highest Divorce Rates?

    Jobs and employment status often play a big part in divorce. But what jobs have the highest divorce rates? And which jobs have the lowest…
    Goldberg Jones
  45. Featured image for “How Social Media Impacts Marriage And Divorce”

    How Social Media Impacts Marriage And Divorce

    Because social media has such an impact, it makes sense that it plays a role in our marriages. And often times that also means it…
    Goldberg Jones
  46. Featured image for “Does Washington State Have Pet Custody Laws?”

    Does Washington State Have Pet Custody Laws?

    Many of us consider pets part of the family, but how does the law view them in divorce?…
    Goldberg Jones
  47. Featured image for “Washington State Guardian Ad Litem: What To Know”

    Washington State Guardian Ad Litem: What To Know

    In divorce and custody suits, a guardian ad litem may come in to look after the best interest of any children involved. Here’s what you…
    Goldberg Jones
  48. Featured image for “Cost of Divorce In Washington State”

    Cost of Divorce In Washington State

    Divorce is expensive, that’s not a surprise, but how much should you expect to pay?…
    Goldberg Jones
  49. Featured image for “How COVID-19 Affects Divorce, Child Custody, And Support Payments?”

    How COVID-19 Affects Divorce, Child Custody, And Support Payments?

    In the last few weeks there have already been significant changes that affect the Divorce and Family Law process. With temporary court closures, it means…
    Goldberg Jones
  50. Featured image for “Why Having a Father is Important”

    Why Having a Father is Important

    We all know that parents have a huge impact on a child’s life, but why is it important for kids to have fathers present and…
    Goldberg Jones